Yom HaAtzmaut Drasha 5782 (2022)
Click on the picture to access the source book of Rabbi Myers’ Yom Ha’atzmaut Drasha of 5782. Format: pdf, pages: 38, size: 1.8 MB
Click on the picture to access the source book of Rabbi Myers’ Yom Ha’atzmaut Drasha of 5782. Format: pdf, pages: 38, size: 1.8 MB
Click on the picture to access the source book of Rabbi Myers’ Yom Ha’atzmaut Drasha of 5781. Format: pdf, pages: 30, size: 2.7 MB
Rabbi Myers’ Yom HaAtzmaut Drasha 5780 (2020) Click on the picture link to download Drasha text
Rabbi Myers’ Yom HaAtzmaut Drasha 5779 (2019)
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Yom HaAtzmaut Drasha Text and Video
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